Special Note: If you haven't logged in you will not be able to save or recall this quotes. It is simple, just click on the login link at the top right of the page. To recall a saved quote just click your user-name at the top of the page. This will recall a list all of your previously saved quotes. Click on the "Quote No" to recall a quote. The quote will open in its' own window. You can make changes to revise the quote, or save the modified quote as a new quote with it's own quote number. When the quote looks good just click the 'Buy Now" button and it will take you into the store where you will be able to purchase the door. This is a new Quote Order form, so if you have any problems or questions please call (408) 988-3753.

Project Name:
Quote No.: By: Guest
New Quote  

Step 1) Unit Style & Layout

Step 2) Dimensions

Note: Your dimensions should be Center-Line SPACE dimensions. This is measured right where the glass will be installed. We will do deductions for the hardware and seals. Your measurement should be accrurate to the 1/16 inch. Use the select lists below to specify the dimensions of the door. Measure at the bottom tile to tile. Measure at the to top where the top edge of the glass will be.

Special Conditions

Standard Sizes

Door Space Width at the top of the door ( T )


Door Height ( H ) - Top of curb to top of door glass


Door Space Width at the bottom ( W )


Lft Inline Width at the top of the inline ( KT )


Lft Inline Height


Lft Inline Space Width at the bottom ( K )


Lft Inline Notch Width ( N )


Lft Inline Notch Height ( B )


Right panel Space Width at the top of the panel ( ST )


Rt Inline Height


Rt Inline Space Width at the bottom ( S )


Right panel Notch Width ( N )


Right panel Notch Height ( B )


Return Panel Space Width at the top edge ( ET )


Return Height ( EH )


Return Panel Space Width at the bottom ( E )


Return Panel Notch Space Width ( N )


Return Panel Notch Height ( B )


Step 3) Glass Selection

Door Glass

  • Glass

  • Design

  • Fab Options

  • Seal Kit

  • show detail
  • show detail
  • show detail
  • show detail
  • lbs.
  • in.

K Inline Glass

  • Glass

  • Design

  • Fab Options

  • lbs.
  • in.

S Inline Glass

  • Glass

  • Design

  • Fab Options

  • lbs.
  • in.

E Inline Glass

  • Glass

  • Design

  • Fab Options

  • lbs.
  • in.

Step 4) Hardware Selection

Hardware Finish

Door Pull

Select Door Pull


Part No.

Glass Fabrication




Door Hinge


Select Hinge Style

show detail



Part No.

Glass Fabrication




Fixed Panel Hardware

Select Hdw Type


Part No.

Glass Fabrication






Step 5) Accessories


Part No


Glass Fabrication






Step 6) Shower Door Kit Pricing

You are not loged in. If you log in you will be able to save and recall this quote. After the quote has been saved you will be able to recall it and send it to the store where you will be able to buy it. You can still print this un-saved quote for your records.

You are logged in but you have not saved this quote. Click the "New Quote" button below. This will save your current selections and take you to a list of all of your quotes. From your quote list click on the "Quote Number" in the left column to recall the quote.

If you have finalized your quote click the "Lock Quote" to lock the quote and activate the " Buy Now" button. Click on the "Print" button to print this quote for your records. Click on the "New Quote" to assign this quote to a new quote number. Both quotes will show in your quote list. All of your past quotes can be recalled from your quote list by clicking on the "Quote Number" in the left column of the quote list.

Your quote has been Saved and Locked. Click on the "Print" button to print this quote for your records. Click on the "New Quote" to assign this quote to a new quote number. Both quotes will show in your quote list. Any of your past quotes can be recalled from your quote list by clicking on the "quote number" in the left column. Click the "Buy Now" button to send this quote to the store where you will be able to purchase it.

Shipping show_detail  
Destination Zip
Ship Weight lbs.


Online Discount


